CZECH Draughts - CZECH Checkers Rules
If you play CZECH Draughts or also known as CZECH Checkers game. Here are some of the rules CZECH Draughts game has. You also can check our Checkers Online App to play CZECH Draughts online with your smartphone. Download Our Draughts Online App Thai Draughts Rules:- Played on an 8*8 board with 12 pieces on each side. The player with the lighter-coloured pieces moves first. Men can only move and capture forward. King can move forward and backward any number of squares. If multiple captures possible, then the player can choose, max capture is not mandatory between them. While capturing if a man becomes king then it has to stop there. While moving man can become King if the move ends at kings line. Also, Check our Shatranj App These are the official rules we are following in our Checkers Online game in under CZECH Draughts play mode. Also, Check All Our Available Games On Play Store At Ali...